Bluestone is a limestone with a more or less sharply defined blue gray color characterized by the presence of a lot of crinoïds. Crinoïds are very small skeletons from sea lilies. Blue stone contains +/- 96 % of CaCO3, the dominated mineral in most of limestone.
This stone contains a high part of fossilized fauna, sometimes visible on the surface.Bluestone is a very high dense material. Its natural ability to withhold harsh and unfriendly weather conditions is amazing. It is also resistant to freeze-thaw cycles.
We have to make a distinction between the different kinds of Blue stone coming from Asia. Specifically between the Asian Blue from Vietnam and the Jinin Stone from China. Indeed, the petrographic data from both materials (Belgium and Vietnam) match very well. The most important difference between both sorts is that the stone from Vietnam manifests more color tones than the Belgian one. The “Jinin Stone” from China is not a blue stone. It is a limestone with a very high grade of dolomite. Even though both stones approach very much the Blue Stone from Belgium and even both are offered as “Blue Stone” , only the “Asian Blue” from Vietnam can have the predicate “blue stone”.
Sizes (cm): 20×20; 30×30; 30×60; 40×40; 40×60; 40×80; 50×50; 60×60; 60×90…
Thickness (cm): 1.5~10
Other sizes can be customized on request